Banese | Notice to the Market


Banco do Estado de Sergipe S.A.(“BANESE or Company”), a multiple bank incorporated as a stock corporation mixed, in compliance with Office B3 635/2020-SLS of August 26, 2020 (“Office”) transcribed below, it hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general of the following:

“In view of the last fluctuations registered with the shares issued by this company, the number of trades and the quantity traded, as shown below, we have requested that you be informed, up to 8/27/2020, if there is any fact of your knowledge that may justify them”. 

In this regard, Banese clarifies that there was no relevant fact or act of knowledge of the Company that justifies the last fluctuations recorded with the shares issued by this company, nor with the number of trades and quantity traded. In addition, the management is not aware of any fact that has not been disclosed to the market or is not public knowledge that may have justified the movement of the shares issued by it in the period between 8/10/2020 and 8/26/2020.

Under the terms of the applicable legislation, the Company informs that it will maintain its shareholders and the market in general informed about any relevant act or fact related to its business.

Aracaju-SE, August 27, 2020.

Helom Oliveira da Silva
Chief Financial, Control and Investor Relations Officer