Main activities

As a multiple service bank, and in fulfilling its mission, Banese’s business purpose is to operate in all banking transactions approved by the Central Bank of Brazil, providing banking services and engaging in any activities open to the institutions comprising the National Financial System. Banese has a strong presence in the retail segment, primarily in transactions intended for public servants whose salaries are paid through the bank, in addition to working capital finance for small and mid-size companies, the construction of real estate developments and operations involving on-lending of funds from the BNDES and the BNB.

In 1Q2024, Banese’s credit portfolio reached R$ 4.1 billion in assets. In the commercial segment, Banese holds a prominent position in its market of operation.

Credit transactions are the principal source of income, serving primarily the private individual segment, the highlight being payroll-deductible loans for public servants, in addition to transactions linked to the Banese Card, and legal entities, the highlight being the working capital facilities and discounting of trade receivables.

Considering only Banese, the Captured and Managed Resources totaled R$ 8.7 billion in 1Q2024. Banese’s funding structure remains diversified, which contributes to maintaining comfortable levels of liquidity.

The subsidiary consists of Mulvi Instituição de Pagamentos S.A. (MULVI), whose core business is to provide services involving credit and debit cards and other payment methods. Supporting its retail partners, it helps them boost their sales by including and deploying another paying and receiving method to its business portfolio.

MULVI has a total of 558,472 eligible customers to purchase. Highlighting the performance of Mulvi Pay, which achieved a growth of 241.2% in this quarter compared to 1Q2023, as well as the increase in renegotiation payments, which recorded a growth of 8.5% in 1Q24 compared to 4Q23.