Banese | Material Fact


Banco do Estado de Sergipe S.A. (“BANESE” or “Company”), in compliance with article 157, paragraph 4 of Law No. 6404 of December 15, 1976 (Brazilian Corporation Law) and the regulations of the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”), especially CVM Instruction 358 of January 3, 2002, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that:

1. Due to the editions of Provisional Measure 931, of March 30, 2020, and CVM Resolution 849, of March 31, 2020, which established new deadlines for the ordinary general meetings and for the disclosure of the financial statements for 2019, the Company informs the cancellation of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting (“OSM”) that would be held on April 3, 2020, making the call notice published in the Official Gazette of the State of Sergipe, in the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo and in the newspaper Correio de Sergipe ineffective.
2. Banese believes that the cancellation of the OSM is necessary due to the evolution of the new coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Brazil and the impact on the activities of the Company and its shareholders.
3. The company will continue to keep the market and its shareholders informed and that the new call and the availability of the necessary documents for the 2020 OSM will occur in due time, respecting the deadline established in the current legislation.

This Material Fact is for information purposes only and should not, under any circumstances, be interpreted as, nor constitute, an investment recommendation or an offer to sell, or a solicitation or offer to buy, any securities issued by BANESE.

Aracaju-SE, April 1, 2020.