
Banese is a publicly-held company controlled by the government of the State of Sergipe. The bank is a catalyst for the economic growth of the state by providing banking services.

Together with Mulvi Instituição de Pagamentos S.A. (MULVI), we make up an economic conglomerate. Our brand also consists of Banese Corretora e Administradora de Seguros, Instituto Banese de Seguridade Social (SERGUS), Caixa de Assistência dos Empregados do Banese (CASSE) and Instituto Banese, the latter responsible for managing social and environmental responsibility and supporting cultural expressions.

In 2024, Banese’s base of active customers (savings and current accounts) totaled 871.198, 847.623 of whom were individuals and 23.575 were legal entities.

Our service network is present in all 75 municipalities of the state of Sergipe, with 63 branches, with 53 physical units (11 in the capital and 42 in the countryside), 7 service points and 442 ATMs.

We have been increasing the offer of products and services especially in our digital channels and reached a financial volume of R$ 44.8 billion in transactions in 2024.