Banese | Material Fact



Banco do Estado de Sergipe S.A. (“BANESE” or “Company”), according to paragraph 4 of article 157 of Law 6,404/1976 (Brazilian Corporation Law), and the regulations of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”), especially CVM Resolution 44/2021 and CVM Resolution 80/2022, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general, further to the strategic discussions regarding the Company’s capitalization, according to the Material Facts disclosed on September 06, 2019 and February 05, 2021, that it is under confidential negotiations for a possible strategic partnership with BRB – Banco de Brasília S.A. (“BRB”), after receiving a non-binding proposal for a possible capital increase through BRB’s subscription of shares to be issued by the Company (“Transaction”).

The proposal is the result of the prospecting of investors acquired in a competitive process held by the Sergipe State Government, through BB – Banco de Investimentos S.A., and the announcement of the final terms and conditions of the Transaction will occur upon the successful conclusion of the negotiations with the controlling shareholder, which, if executed, will not change BANESE’s corporate control, and has the purpose of strengthening the Company’s position in the market, including business opportunities related to its subsidiaries as well.

The Company also informs that for being a natural characteristic of this type of negotiation, it cannot assure that any of the ongoing negotiations will result in the completion of a transaction of any nature, and that, at the moment, there is no binding commitment involving BANESE, its subsidiaries, and any third party.

BANESE will keep its shareholders and the market informed of new developments regarding this matter.

This Material Fact is for information purposes only and should not, under any circumstances, be interpreted as, nor constitute, an investment recommendation or an offer to sell, or a solicitation or offer to buy, any securities issued by BANESE.

Aracaju (SE), August 17, 2022.

Aléssio de Oliveira Rezende
Chief Financial, Control, and Investor Relations Officer

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